Blowhole Beach fishing report

Fisherman: Davistiano, Steven, Peggy Ng

Location: Deep Creek Conservation Park – Blowhole Beach

Time: 25/12/2010, from 12:00pm to 5:00pm

Weather – sunny
Temperature – 35 degree C
Tide – N/A
Wind – 22km/h S

Although the temperature is high, but surprisingly it was not hot at all
– probably because of the wind
Supposingly South wind should ruin Blowhole Beach fishing activity,
however the wind was just alright to let us feel cool and comfortable.

As usual, not many people in Blowhole beach, however I need to point out that how much difference the Forester made in this trip compare to our fishing trip in 2008!

It was simply SUPERB!

We never thought Blowhole beach was that close – Davistiano was driving Forester on the dirt road at about 60km/h,
and after entered the “4WD ONLY” section,
it was still a piece of cake for the Forester!

Great credit to Steven! 😀

Very busy fishing day, all of us keep hooking up fish – tiny, moderate, slightly larger, legal size…
Steven and Davistiano used float fishing gear with Liberty and Holiday ISO respectively.
Peggy used Noel’s Liberty ISO with dropshot setup.

Considering Peggy’s experience in fishing, she managed to constantly hooking up fish –
dropshot was very effective, while float was a bit slow in terms of the “bait sinking speed” as there was
simply too many fish and active down there. 🙂

Learnt from the experience from fishing in
Second Valley last time
(that we simply were dehydrated and
low blood sugar level),
we have learnt to bring a cool bag with full of
cold drinks inside (more importantly Gatorade),
which has made the day beautifully alongside with all the food we have brought. 😛

We have managed to catch Rock Cod, Zebra, Leather Jacket and MoonLight.

We have used 2 spots – before and after going around the rock –
started with the same spot as in 2008,
and end up back to the front which turns out to be much better

Peggy caught a big Leather Jacket after hooking a number of small fish,
unfortunately she hooked the fish literally 2 seconds after Dave hooked a Zebra
and was receiving help from Steven using the net.

Dave’s left hand held onto his own rod while right hand helped Peggy to hold her rod to try
land the Leather Jacket on some rock.

Sadly the Leather Jacket managed to break away from the hook and was lying on the rock
– disappeared in 2 seconds when the wave comes in.

After a while, Dave caught a similar size and same colour of Leather Jacket – Revenge maybe? 😛

And for monster, Dave hooked onto something with great power and was simply “impossible to fight back” and broke the line after 3 seconds.

ISO with float and dropshot

Catch & Release:

~Zebra fish x4 by Steven and Dave
~Rock cod x3 by Steven
~Leather Jacket x2 by Dave (Big one is 29cm)
~15cm Sweep by Peggy (released)
~Moonlight x1 by Steven

Second Valley fishing report

Fisherman: Davistiano, Steven, Peggy Ng and Eugene Leung

Location: Second Valley Jetty and Rock fishing area

Time: 4/12/2010, from 12:30pm to 6:00pm

Weather – sunny
Temperature – 35 degree C
Tide – Rising tide
Wind – N/A


Very nice weather that it was very warm and not much wind.
Surprisingly there is not as many people as we have expected.
An aussie young man caught 2 squids from the jetty,
however in general it is very quiet,
nothing else was caught on the jetty by any people.

Steven has done some snorkeling at the south side of the jetty,
and reported that the water is not very clear but
saw many big fish with a good underwater structure.

No more annoying diving from the jetty as it is prohibited now.

Quite active indeed, and a couple of big fight for Steven and Dave.
Peggy and Eugene used light surfing gear, which isn’t quite effective as the water flow was towards the shore, causing the hook constantly caught on rock or any other obstacles.

On the other hand, ISO fishing has been effective whole day long.

Dave has caught a Sweep, Leather Jacket, Aussie Salmon, Zebra,
Puffer Fish and Rock Cod, whereas Steven managed to catch 2 good size Bonito,
a couple of small fish which includes Aussie Salmon and Rock Cod and lost 2 big fights
– one of them was super large size creature, observed by Dave and Peggy from upper area of the rock when they were resting, and saw a massive white/silver shape that was so close to leave the water.

When Dave saw Steven hooked onto it, he already started moving to get the net, however it was still too late.

It probably was a drummer or zebra which can easily be over 38cm.

Light surf and ISO

Catch & Release:
~27cm Bonito x2 by Steven
~tiny rock cod x5 by Steven
~24cm Sweep by Dave
~24cm Zebra fish by Dave
~26cm rock cod by Dave
~12cm leather jacket by Dave
~tiny puffer fish by Dave
~numerous tiny aussie salmon in general by all of us

🙂 More photos:

At last: (yuuuum 😛 )

Fun Fun Fun gathering night

28/11 night, PeterParker, Davistiano and GSeal have gathered at a common friend house with all other brothers and sisters from church, and had a fantastic night! 🙂

Thanks to all of you that have cooked the fantastic meal 😀
(unfortunately I have forgotten to take picture as we were so hungry and the food was too awesome!)

Also, seems like whenever I go, that place will turn into an arcade gaming centre.

As one of our friend Angus has bought GT5,
therefore I have brought my Logitech MOMO racing wheel,
alongside with my other friend’s Logitech G27 wheel to his place. 😛

Everyone enjoyed so much! 😀

After the fantastic dinner, we have tuned into “Band Hero/Guitar Hero” channel, and had few more great hours at night! 🙂

WestLakes fishing report

Fisherman: Dave & Eugene Leung

Location: Westlakes

Time: 27/11/2010, from 5:00pm to 7:00pm

Weather – sunny/cloudy/shower
Temperature – 20 degree C
Tide – Rising tide
Wind – 20 knots S wind

Weather constantly changes with strong wind, causing observation becomes more difficult.
It started to pour at around 6:00pm, it was so bad that Eugene has to rest under a tree while Dave still working hard fighting with the weather!
A teenager nearby managed to catch a squid, approximately about 20-25cm.

Not as active as we have expected, especially for this time of the day.
When Dave showed Eugene about the basic technique, there were a few quick and significant bite, however it has quiet-ed down dramatically since then.
Most bites were drawn in the depth around 3 ft (super shallow).
The wind is so strong that the float cannot stand uptill in the water, however it still manage to provide signal – although there weren’t many in fact.

Light surf and float (centrepin)

Catch & Release:
~15cm bream by Dave
~23cm KG whiting by Eugene

Fishing event – St. Kilda *Live Update*

@2:00pm: packed and ready to depart
Ugly stik blackfish special 10′ shimano centrepin reel,
Smith bayliner 7′ with daiwa sol2500,
St. Croix saltwater elite 9ft 8wt with innovator onshore fly reel, Innovator velocity 5wt flyrod with sa fly reel,
Ugly stik gold 8′ with shimano sahara 2500

@2:20pm: Peter and Davistiano are on the way to St. Kilda from city, with special guest Eric Choi